Our Guarantee

Love Them or First Pair Free : GetSocked Guarantee

Love them or the first pair is for FREE. 

Quite simply if you don't love our socks, you get the 1st pair for FREE, no questions asked!

With over 1000+ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Reviews we are confident you will love them as well,

GetSocked is made with very high-quality bamboo and much care is taken during the manufacturing process to ensure a snug, comfortable fit. These socks will never fall down around your ankles - guaranteed.

So it's our guarantee to you that, in the unlikely circumstance you don't like them you won't have to pay.


Robert Adelman
Director - GetSocked

Browse the wonderful reviews of our sock subscription boxes by our lovely customers then feel free to buy or subscribe to your first box here